About Me

This blog started, a little artificially, as the evolution of an artifact demonstrating the outcomes of my graduate degree in Library and Information Management — my MLS online portfolio from way back in 2007.  Today I’m trying to keep up the blog in real time as a bona-fide truthbrarian with a research agenda to formulate.

I use truthbrary as a way of exploring both the changing and the eternal meanings of the word library. My choice of term loosely follows a Rastafarian practice of altering common English words to reflect a more positive or more literal, face-value meaning.  Changing the implied li[e] in library into truth more appropriately describes what I see as the mission of libraries.

My research interests are organizational communication; applications of Brenda Dervin’s sense-making methodology; changing librarianship;  and connections between technical and public services.

Scroll down to the tag cloud or search and browse my archives to get started.


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