Posts Tagged ‘ IFLA ’


Yes, this is the post where I point out with embarrassment that it’s been half a year since my last post.  I blame becoming a librarian, excuse me, truthbrarian.  Truly, I felt only just today the first feeling of accomplishment towards real research opportunities.  One should never go so long between mulling and sharing ideas.  It makes the mind and confidence a bit mushy.   I’ve not much to say again yet, other than a toast:

To 2011 and setting BIG goals:

1) IFLA Puerto Rico — which, if proposal passses muster, will either mean a schweet vacay with my hubs or girls gone wild with my co-presenters. [update: International Conference on the Book: Toronto Canada — Proposal accepted!]

2) Keep up with an even more complex online presence than this one — Twitter, flickr, and maybe go live and Google searchable with the blog(s)?

3) And the biggest one of all:  Let go…
