Posts Tagged ‘ fair use ’

brutiful truths

When I set up this blog for my MLS capstone, I gave myself permission to seek truth beyond the MLS.  I’ve done that in my tradtionally quiet way.  But I’ve been wrestling a lot lately with how to speak some of that seeking more openly here, and more often.  This post, by one of my favorite truth-speakers has motivated me to get started on this…just a little.

G, I’ve been tweeting about my 2012 resolution to read 12 books this year.  My last book was kind of a cop out, it being an “I Can Read” children’s book of only 63 pages.  But, one of the things your shared truth has taught me is that deep, full, and brutiful truths can be found in the simplest places. So, I’m sharing just two pages (a fair use) in hopes it will encourage you, encourage me, and maybe even get you out to the library and pick up a copy.  Oh yeah, and my kids like it too.

We look brave

Brave Together

Lobel, Arnold. (1971). Dragons and Giants. In Frog and Toad Together pp.43,51. Columbus, OH: Newfield Publications.

truthberry pickings

The interwebs are smiling brightly today, particularly on a few of my very favorite topics: fair use, sensemaking,  workflow analysis, and project management.

First up, Brett Bonfield of ITLWLP .  Fear not the seemingly tired topics of ‘scholarly publishing crisis, e-books, and library core values’ upon which this particular post expounds.  Bonfield gives a most clear, well paced, and relevant discussion, outlining the currently available and ideal purchase/license models in a nifty table and a brief discussion of each.  Local highlight: the State Library of Kansas helped establish the Portability Model.  I do so appreciate well written, and very practical reminders of how we can and do preserve library core principles of fair use and first sale.

I also find Roy Tennant to be an excellent bibliographer of articles both timely and relevant to my work.  A couple from his recent Current Cites update seemed very relevant to things I’ve been presently working on (and to my libraries’ larger strategic directions) – workflow analysis and the next generation ILS (Breeding, 2012) and use of project management in libraries (Horwath, 2012).  See more at:

Finally, how lovely to find sensemaking in the most unexpected places.  Another of my more personal (than professional) favorite blogs, Glennon Melton (of Don’t Carpe Diem fame), explores a third option when faced with difficult communications.  Right!   In her concluding statement…

If she’d never written, or if I’d have fought her back, or ignored her – I’d never have explored my desperate need and insistence upon laughter. I wouldn’t have understood myself the way I do now.

And we wouldn’t understand each other. A crack would remain where now stands a bridge.

…(especially that last line) she alludes to Dervin’s sensemaking while offering an approach for care-full truth-seeking in every encounter.

truthberry picking

New thing.  I read the American Libraries Direct newsletter each week and often fill my browser with tabs of the items I find most interesting, sharing some in facebook, others via email to library colleagues.  It occurred to me today that I could use this as a blogging opportunity and aggregate my favorites here.  My hope is that perhaps  my research foci will emerge out of this effort and that you, dear readers (if you exist), may find common narrowed interest.

So, truthberry is actually the more common Rasta reinvention of the word library.   That I more often call it a truthbrary (and ourselves as truthbrarians) is just to make the connection a little clearer.  But how nicely it serves my purpose here for the berries of truth I picked out of the interwebs this week.

It occurs to me Zotero will also be my dear friend in this effort.  So, stay tuned.

Why non-academics should be following the Georgia State U case (Copyright Librarian blog)  Did I mention this might be my favorite library topic?

…a ruling against fair use at Georgia State would do a lot to establish that any time a copyright holder is willing to sell a license, not taking them up on it is inherently infringement.

As an ACRL Legislative advocate, I’m always looking for succinct pointers to help communicate the value of academic libraries.  When talking about the library remember N3P3: an advocacy talking points framework for academic libraries (Ubiquitous Librarian blog) is a useful start.

A few nods to my Learner strength and some good tips for organizational effectiveness from your desk to your desktop.

And, finally, because Borders declared bankruptcy and, thus, closed in my town while the little (and very awesome) local bookstore around its corner remains, a tribute:  Independent Bookstores in New Orleans say they’re thriving (, via AL Direct June 8, 2011).  Also, yet another reason I am bummed to not be going to ALA New Orleans.